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Pig to Man and From Man to Pig and From Pig to Man Again Is This a Rhetorial Device

Definition of Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is a literary device that implies comparison or dissimilarity. Writers create juxtaposition by placing two entities side by side to create dramatic or ironic dissimilarity. Juxtaposition is a grade of implied comparison in that at that place is no overt comparison or inference on the part of the writer. This allows the reader to discern how the paired entities are similar or dissimilar. The consequence of this literary device is a more profound agreement of contrast and creating a sense of fate or inevitability in the comparison.

For case, in the moving picture accommodation of The Wizard of Oz, filmmakers effectively juxtapose black and white movie with bright technicolor to showcase the differences betwixt Kansas and Oz. Though Oz is bright, colorful, and whimsical compared to the harsh gray of Kansas, Dorothy realizes that her home in Kansas is where she belongs and is happy. The juxtaposition of such contrasting places highlights the inevitable decision that Dorothy must brand most returning to domicile and reality.

Common Examples of Juxtaposition

Writers use juxtaposition for rhetorical result by placing two entities side by side in club to highlight their differences. These divergent elements can include people, ideas, things, places, behaviors, and characteristics. Hither are some common examples of entities that are juxtaposed for artistic effect:

  • calorie-free and darkness
  • acceptance and isolation
  • youth and experience
  • wealth and poverty
  • Beauty and ugliness
  • virtue and vice
  • family and outsiders
  • wisdom and foolishness
  • familiar and strange
  • passion and aloofness
  • proficient and evil
  • urban and rural
  • warmth and cold
  • modern and blowsy
  • courage and cowardice
  • male and female
  • jealousy and trust
  • civilization and nature
  • free will and fate
  • forgiveness and revenge

Famous Examples of Juxtaposition in Novels and Stories

Many novels and stories are well-known due to their juxtaposition of ideas, settings, characters, and themes. Hither are some famous examples of juxtaposition in familiar novels and stories:

  • East Egg and West Egg inThe Great Gatsby
  • Individual thought and groupthink in 1984
  • wealth and poverty inThe Prince and the Pauper
  • land and bounding main inmoby dick
  • homo and animal instinct in Life of Pi
  • kindness and selfishness inCinderella
  • Lennie (innocent) and George (jaded) inOf Mice and Men
  • Muggle and sorcerer worlds inHarry Potter Series
  • frontier and culture inThe Adventures of Blueberry Finn
  • liberty and solitude inTo Kill a Mockingbird

Deviation Between Juxtaposition and Foil

It can be difficult to distinguish between juxtaposition and foil as literary devices. In fact, foil is a form of juxtaposition. Both of these devices are based o north implied comparisons created by the writer. Nevertheless, foil is limited to the juxtaposition of characters.

Every bit a literary device, foil specifically refers to contrasts betwixt characters within the aforementioned narrative. A author uses the juxtaposition of two characters every bit foils in lodge to emphasize their disparate qualities or character traits. For example, in John Steinbeck'due south East of Eden,Cal and Aron are brothers and foils for each other. Their characters are juxtaposed to showcase the differences in their natures, as Cal is night and secretive while Aron is delicate and dear.

Juxtaposition, as a literary device, is not limited to characters. With juxtaposition, any entities such as ideas, places, and things, can exist placed side by side to invite comparing and create an ironic effect.

Writing Juxtaposition

Writers can achieve a neat deal when they juxtapose two elements. By putting two entities next, writers invite the reader to compare and contrast, considering the human relationship between the elements with closer scrutiny. Juxtaposition tin accept the effect of absurdity or humor, or create a link between elements and images that announced unrelated until they are paired.

Writers can also reveal truths about a character through contrasting their traits with another, to achieve a foil. Juxtaposition can demonstrate that one idea or element is better when compared to another, and ofttimes readers gain a greater agreement of nuances of traits or concepts through juxtaposition.

It's important for writers to sympathise that at that place must be a sense of logic and intention in juxtaposing ii entities within a narrative or poem. As a literary technique, juxtaposition is more simply putting one entity beside some other and inviting the reader to make a comparing between them. There must exist pregnant in the juxtaposition and so that some attribute of the literary work becomes more significant to a reader.

Juxtaposition and Antithesis

Although it seems that juxtaposition and antonym are 2 similar terms, they are poles apart in meanings and sense. An antithesis is a specific term, whereas a juxtaposition is a general device. Antithesis puts two ideas or concepts that often contradict each other. Reverse to the antithesis, juxtaposed concepts or ideas or things are different and do not necessarily contradict each other. Even the name suggests that juxtaposition means putting side by side while antonym means putting against each other.

Juxtaposition and Oxymoron

The divergence between juxtaposition and oxymoron is by and large obscure. A juxtaposition is placing dissimilar ideas or objects or things together for the sake of contrast and comparison. Still, an oxymoron shows the placing of ii contradictory ideas, depicting a unmarried and stiff sense of the words which, though, seems reverse yet is strongly associated with the other word in showing true meanings. For example, a pretty ugly boy is an oxymoron as information technology is just a phrase. Nonetheless, if it is twisted to become a juxtaposition it would be; a pretty male child has come beyond and an ugly male child has passed along.

Apply of Juxtaposition in Sentences

  1. What do you think is good for me is expert for all the students?
  2. Most of the time Ricky ponders over his fate and oftentimes he ponders over his luck.
  3. Some people may go fed up soon while some may take years in becoming furious.
  4. Ane case does non mean all is bad and all is fair does non mean all is good.
  5. Some may come up at night and some during the day simply all volition come what come may.

Examples of Juxtaposition in Literature

Juxtaposition, or the technique of comparison and dissimilarity, appears in all forms of artistic expression. In literature, juxtaposition is an effective literary device in that readers proceeds greater meaning through measuring the tension of similarities and differences between 2 paired elements.

Here are some examples of juxtaposition in literature and how this literary device adds to the value of literary works:

Example 1:Naming of Parts (Henry Reed)

This is the safety-take hold of, which is e'er released
With an like shooting fish in a barrel picture show of the thumb. And please practise not allow me
Run into anyone using his finger. Yous tin exercise information technology quite piece of cake
If you take any strength in your thumb. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone run into
Any of them using their finger.

In Reed's poem, the poet juxtaposes the stages of breaking down and naming parts of a armed services rifle with naming parts of springtime. In this stanza, the safety-catch of a gun and its release is juxtaposed with delicate blossoms. This juxtaposition allows the reader to consider any similarities and contrasts between releasing a weapon's safety-take hold of and fragile blossoms. The differences are obvious, so Reed may announced to accept created an incongruous juxtaposition. However, there is a logic to the unsaid comparison in that releasing the safety-take hold of on a gun allows bullets to fly from it, simply as blossoms might be released and fly from a tree.

The juxtaposition of the parts of a weapon and parts of springtime creates a dramatic effect of tension betwixt death and destruction and rebirth and renewal. Past simply pairing these two entities side by side in the poem, Reed allows the reader to compare and dissimilarity homo-fabricated engineering science meant to cease life and nature'due south adequacy of restoring and get-go life.

Example 2:The Joy Luck Club(Amy Tan)

I opened up the Schumann volume to the dark lilliputian piece I had played at the recital. It was on the left-hand
page, "Pleading Kid." Information technology looked more difficult than I remembered. I played a few confined, surprised at how
hands the notes came back to me.
And for the kickoff time, or so it seemed, I noticed the piece on the right-paw side. Information technology was chosen "Perfectly
Contented." I tried to play this one as well. Information technology had a lighter melody but with the same flowing rhythm and
turned out to be quite easy. "Pleading Child" was shorter but slower; "Perfectly Contented" was longer simply
faster. And after I had played them both a few times, I realized they were two halves of the aforementioned song.

In this chapter of Tan's novel, a daughter is trying to understand her female parent's deportment towards her equally a child while simultaneously coming to terms with her mother's absence in death. The mother and girl juxtaposition creates a foil for the narrative in many ways, peculiarly in that the daughter considers herself to be American and the mother considers herself Chinese. In addition, the juxtaposition of the daughter's older, more experienced self and the memory of her childhood cocky encourages the reader to consider more fully how time tin can change someone's perspective and agreement of people and memories.

In this passage, the daughter opens the piano book to find two musical pieces juxtaposed. Every bit she plays each piece, the daughter explores the similarities and differences between them. This implicitly invites the reader to compare and contrast these pieces, although not musically. Instead, through the juxtaposition of the song titles, their musical descriptions, and the daughter'south reactions to playing them, the reader is able to compare and contrast the daughter's human relationship with her mother and the mother'due south relationship with the daughter. This is significant in assuasive the reader to explore meaning and understanding in the story, but as the daughter'due south grapheme attempts to do as well.

Example 3:Brute Farm (George Orwell)

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures exterior looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from sus scrofa to human again; simply already information technology was impossible to say which was which.

In his allegorical tale of the Russian Revolution and the nation's transformation from a czarist regime to a communist state, Orwell juxtaposes many elements and themes to showcase the significance and meaning of historical events and political theory. In this passage, the animals witness the juxtaposition of the pigs and men at the end of the story.

Rather than resulting in stark contrast, the juxtaposition of the pigs and men instead brings about an disability among the "outside" animals to distinguish between them. This has a dramatic effect in terms of the narrative since the pigs were the original leaders of the revolution on the farm and intended, at the beginning of the literary work, to differentiate themselves equally much as possible from the men they believed to be their oppressors.

In improver to the ironic effect of this juxtaposition of pigs and men, the "creatures outside" are juxtaposed with the pigs and men inside. This additional layer of juxtaposition is effective to use the literary device considering it invites the reader not to compare and contrast the men with the pigs, merely instead to compare and contrast the men and pigs (oppressors) with the outside animals (the oppressed). Past utilizing juxtaposition, Orwell effectively demonstrates the link betwixt ability and its consequences, for those who possess it and those who don't.

Instance iv: Othello by William Shakespeare

Let it exist so.
Goodnight to everyone—and, noble signor,
If virtue no delighted dazzler lack,
Your son-in-law is far more off-white than black.

Although there are several other examples, this not-and so-well-known example shows that 2 ideas black and fair have been juxtaposed in these lines. They have but been put adjacent to compare ii different ideas which are contradictory but do not contradict. They just accentuate the contrast.

Example 5: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

When Tamoszius and his companions end for a residual, every bit perforce they must, now and then, the dancers halt where they are and wait patiently. They never seem to tire; and there is no place for them to sit downwardly if they did.

These lines from The Jungle evidence that Sinclair has put two ideas tiring and sitting next but he does not mean to state them for the sake of contradiction. They are just showing a contrast.

Example half dozen: A Pocket-size Proposal" by Jonathan Swift

There is too another great advantage in my scheme, that it will foreclose those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bounder children, alas! too frequent among us, sacrificing the poor innocent babes, I dubiousness, more to avoid the expence than the shame, which would motion tears and pity in the most roughshod and inhuman breast.

These lines from the essay of Jonathan Swift bear witness how Swift has put 2 unlike ideas or things the orphan children and innocent babes side by side to compare and contrast two opposing ideas.

Synonyms of Juxtaposition

Some of the words that are closer in meanings to juxtaposition are comparing, contrast, proximity, colligation, closeness, contiguity, or nearness.



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